Bus Behavior Guidelines

Stillwater bus drivers will not permit any unsafe behavior by anyone while on the school buses. They have also been instructed when to issue “Bus Conduct Reports,” which are submitted to the Director of Transportation and may be used to disallow a student from riding the bus.

  • Observe the same conduct as in the classroom. Loud and distracting noise interferes with the bus driver’s concentration. Speak quietly.
  • Be courteous and refrain from using inappropriate language or profanity.
  • Food and drink may not be consumed on the bus, unless specific permission is given.
  • Throwing articles while inside the bus is prohibited. Keep objects to yourself, and help keep the bus clean.
  • Board or leave a bus only after it has come to a complete stop. Pay attention to the bus driver.
  • Tobacco, drugs or alcohol are not allowed on the bus.
  • Students will be held responsible for any damage they do to the bus or its equipment.
  • Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  • No part of the body will be extended outside a bus window.
  • The bus driver is authorized to assign seats. Cooperate with the driver.
  • Articles that are determined by school officials to be potentially dangerous will not be allowed on the bus (i.e., glass, animals, baseball bats, and larger items).
  • Quarreling, fighting or rough play will not be tolerated.

Students are under the authority of the bus driver while being transported to and from school. The lives of the students and drivers are at stake, and no misconduct will be tolerated that jeopardizes safe travel to and from school. Any serious infraction of rules must be reported by the driver, in writing, in a timely manner to the Director of Transportation, and appropriate actions will be taken. The responses to infractions of bus safety guidelines may include, but are not limited to:

  • Verbal warning/conference with driver on bus after students exit.
  • Written referral to the bus director. Bus driver may assign seat at that point.
  • Referral sent home to parent.
  • Upon a third warning, suspension from riding their bus.
  • Immediate suspension of bus privileges may result from throwing objects on the bus, endangering the safety of others, fighting or serious incidents of insubordination.