Two individuals in Stillwater school community test positive for COVID-19

Dear Stillwater Community,

The Saratoga County Department of Health confirmed today, Friday, Dec. 4, that two individuals in our school community have tested positive for COVID-19.  

The first individual is associated with our high school community and they have not been in the building since Tuesday, Nov. 24. Therefore, they were not on campus at all during the time in which they were infectious. 

The second individual is associated with our middle school remote learning program and has not been on campus at all this school year.

The Department of Health will conduct contact tracing for anyone these individuals were in contact with outside of school. The individuals have been placed in isolation and will not return to a district building until they are cleared by the health department. We continue to work closely with the Saratoga County Department of Health and follow their guidance each time our district has a positive case.

While it may seem like cases have been popping up in our district a lot lately, I want to remind our families that we have not had to quarantine anyone since Wednesday, Oct. 7. A majority of our cases have been individuals who were not infectious inside our school buildings. I believe that this can be attributed to the diligent efforts of our families and staff who follow protocols, especially when someone presents with symptoms. While this does not mean we will never have to quarantine in the future, it does reflect the good judgment and care that our school community has experienced.

I want to thank those of you who have continued to follow guidelines and protocols both in and out of school, because by doing so, it helps us keep our doors open for instruction, meals and the various other supports our students need. 

As always, please reach out if you have any questions.


Patricia Morris
Superintendent of Schools