MS/HS open for in-person learning Jan. 12; info for parents & guardians

The following letter was sent to MS/HS parents/guardians on Jan. 11:

January 11, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you have seen, the rates of COVID have increased dramatically over the last few weeks both nationally and here in Stillwater. In an effort to clarify the process for virtual instruction, please review the following information related to COVID protocols. In order to participate in virtual instruction through your child’s teacher, one of the following reasons related to COVID must exist:

  • not feeling well
  • waiting for a test date
  • waiting for test results
  • isolation due to positive test result
  • quarantine due to contact with an infected individual

It is essential that you communicate your child’s absence(s) with the building principal and nurse. We have included our email addresses below for your convenience. This will initiate the process of providing virtual instruction through Google Meets. It will also allow us the opportunity to answer your questions regarding the everchanging guidelines.

As of now, our Middle School/High School remains open for in-person learning. However, we are asking that all families have a plan in place in the event that we must pivot to full virtual instruction even for a short period of time. There are various reasons for this option including, but not limited, to not having enough available staff. While many schools are experiencing this type of challenge, we are currently sufficiently staffed, but would like to inform our families that COVID-19 may impact our ability to remain open on any given day, and so are encouraging you to have a plan. If we were to move to full-time virtual learning for all students, we would provide guidance and instructions on how that process would work for your child.

Thank you for your support as we face these challenging times. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

Mrs. Carolyn Manzella, High School Principal

Mr. Timothy Hulihan, Middle School Principal

Ms. Adele Reilly, Nurse