The Stillwater Elementary Drama Club will soon take center stage in their upcoming performance of “The Claw: A New Children’s Musical.” The club – composed of fourth and fifth grade students – has been rehearsing for weeks in preparation for the production, which will open on Friday, Jan. 26 at 7PM in the auditorium at Stillwater Middle/High School.

Directed by Stillwater Elementary music teacher Rachael O’Neill, band director Jim Iacketta and third grade teacher Amy Britt-Hefner, the play tells the story of an out-of-order claw game and what happens when it unexpectedly turns back on, much to the excitement of all the toys – except for Dot, a scared stuffed cow. With the game now working, Dot is determined to hold onto her home and her best friend, Aiden. Will Dot conquer her fear of the unknown? Only time will tell as she sets out on a brave journey with some help from the Flair Bears, Mighty Mutant Power Turtles, Beanie Elders, and the all-knowing Mystical 8-ball.

“This year the elementary school drama club has taken on one of their biggest productions,” said Ms. O’Neill. “‘The Claw: A New Children’s Musical’ by Beat by Beat Press has been a really fun and exciting show to work on with students. They’ve been practicing very hard on their singing, dancing, and acting, and are a remarkably talented group. I’m so proud of them and all of their hard work.”
In addition to the cast, the play features a diverse crew made up of Stillwater Central School District staff and students. Production assistants include Stillwater High School students Sydney Martin (Class of 2025), Lily Izzo (Class of 2024), Kate Hassett (Class of 2024), and Karissa Mitchell (Class of 2025); Sydney Martin is also part of the lights and sound crew, along with Mr. Iacketta and music teacher Patrick Foxton. Choreography is provided by Amelia Miller (Class of 2024), with musical direction by Ms. O’Neill. Costume helpers include Rachael Hoogkamp, Madison and Matt Ramnes, and Madison Eggelston, while the set was constructed by Mr. Foxton, Mr. Iacketta, David Herrington and the staff at Orenda Elementary School.
“Our 4th and 5th graders are looking forward to sharing this production with their families, friends, and our Stillwater community,” said Ms. O’Neill. “The show will be entertaining and illustrate that even though things can change in the world and the unknown can be scary, there are always friends around to help you realize that change isn’t so bad after all.”
“The Claw: A New Children’s Musical” is fun for the whole family and can be seen at Stillwater Middle/High School on Friday, Jan. 26 at 7PM and on Saturday, Jan. 27 at 3PM in the school’s auditorium. Tickets are $5 per person or $20 per family, with cash being the only acceptable form of payment. Don’t miss the opportunity to see the Stillwater Elementary Drama Club sing, dance and fill the audience with laughter as they tell the story of Dot’s amazing adventure.
*Note: Stillwater Elementary has been given permission by Beat by Beat Productions to perform this show and use its material for the purposes of a school drama production.